PV Modules Due Diligence Support
Haithabu is specialized in providing due diligence support for stakeholders in the solar industry in respect of PV modules. Stakeholders include, but are not limited to, financial institutions, investors, all the way to PPA customers. PV modules are the key component in a solar park and have significant influence not only on the financial performance of the park, but also on ESG and traceability requirements expected by stakeholders.
PV Modules Procurement Support
Based on its extensive experience in procuring PV modules, Haithabu is offering procurement services, sourcing PV components from manufacturers in China for clients in Europe, with focus on modules and inverters for utility scale projects. Service offered is including identifying suitable suppliers, support during contract negotiation as well as assisting in arranging in-house quality inspection, ESG assessments as well as traceability reports.
Facilitation of Technical, Commercial and Financial Exchanges
Through its well-established network within the Chinese PV Solar industry, Haithabu can work as facilitator for overseas clients to establish contacts between interested parties in respect of technical, commercial as well as financial exchanges. Focus area here are manufacturers of components within the PV module supply chain, starting from polysilicon to ingot, wafer, cell and modules as well as Chinese financial institutions supporting export of such components through project financing.